showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden: Kunitori Monogatari  Bandai1990This is one of those games that I seriously wanted to like, but just can't. Let's look at the positive aspects of this game first. The concept of mixing strategic movement of units over the map with action battles is not new, but interesting on paper. SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi for the Famicom came out earlier and is pretty similar, just with overhead battles instead of side-view battles scenes. And in SD Gundam Sengokuden: Kunitori Monogatari you can choose between a classic turn-based movement of the units and real-time movement. Due to the smaller maps and less units on the maps the game plays much faster than the Gachapon Senshi games, which is a good idea for a handheld game. Graphics are not bad. The maps look a bit simplistic, but the units and backgrounds of the battle areas look quite good for an early Gameboy game. And there is quite a large number of different units in the game. So far everything sounds good. However the game just plays so bad, especially the battle sequences. You cannot avoid them and they are a very crappy button-mashing affair. Too fast, too hectic, just plain unfun. It basically ruins the gameplay. The music is very annoying and only acceptable when turned off. And there is no story mode. You can choose every of the ten maps from the very beginning. All in all much wasted potential. labelimageminimize
SD Lupin Sansei: Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen  Banpresto (Nova Games)1990 labelimageminimize
SD Gundam Gaiden: Lacroan Heroes  Bandai (Human)1990 labelimageminimize
SD Command Gundam - G-Arms Bandai1991 labelimageminimize
SD Sengokuden 2 - Tenga Touitsu Hen Bandai1991 labelimageminimize
SD Sengokuden 3 - Chijou Saikyou Hen Bandai1992 labelimageminimize
Crayon Shin-chan 2 - Ora to Wanpaku Gokko Dazo Bandai1993 labelimageminimize
Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Shiro ha Otomodachi Dayo Bandai1993 labelimageminimize
Crayon Shin-chan 3: Ora no Gokigen Athletic Bandai1994 labelimageminimize
New SD Gundam  Bandai1994 labelimageminimize